8 APRIL 2018
“I am so over the top today! It’s a special day! Why? I have no clue but I know it is different. I just feel it! Join me and find out…
I am outside the Wiener Staatsoper. Opera is for everyone, and here is the proof!
I always do my stage makeup myself, it has become a part of my way to focus ahead of the performance. I do most of it in my hotel room or apartment and then the rest at the theatre where they have better light!
First act just started, enjoy! For me it is wigtime 🙂
9 APRIL 2018
Today is a good day! A sunny, warm and lovely day! I wish I could have you all here with me as it all happens!
I feel so rich, I have the most wonderful family of close friends, colleagues and audience all more lovely than you could imagine! They all opened their arms yesterday and it turned into a very long and warm applause. I just wish I could have had some contact with everyone sitting outside, looking at the big screen!
It was so amazing, from my dressing room I could hear everything in stereo, both from the stage and from the speakers outside.

A photo sent by you during the live stream… thank you!
Did you notice the makeup on the Walküres? The extra eyes and mouth? I am so lucky I realised before I went on stage!

Another photo sent by you, thanks!
I woke up very tired this morning, but there is just something about Wagner that brings me right back into it. I arrive at rehearsal feeling tired, but I always leave fulfilled! So, now I am fit and am looking forward to seeing what happens next in this Ring production!
Heil dir, Sonne!
10 APRIL 2018
Today is a busy, happy, hardworking day!
It is now 15:00 and I have already had three different rehearsals! The third has just finished and I was on stage doing a run of Siegfried Act III. The floor and fabrics don’t make things easy for us but by gosh, how I love to do this 15-hour masterpiece!
I have travelled with Brünnhilde for many years, and us Wagner-singers come together in different productions around the world. The trust we feel between each other gives everyone the freedom to make music and that is exactly what we do!
When I was getting into my costume, my music-mind went in a different direction. The shoes! As a Swede loving Melodifestivalen, I was reminded of a winner and I searched on Google… it was 1984!!! -84?! Time flies!
Did I tell you that they refurbished the dressing room since I was last here doing Isolde?

Love the company 😉
Sunglasses on! Next is lunch before today’s 4th rehearsal, life is good!